AAUW report. "Pay Gap" Debunked
By Salerie Vauss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, Nov 20th, 2010
A new study to be released today on gender equity in the work place concludes that the "Pay Gap" between men and women in the U.S. is a myth and that both sexes are doing just fine.
The report by the nonprofit American Association of University Womyn, which promotes equity for women, reviewed nearly 40 years of data on achievement in the work place and for the first time analyzed gender differences within economic, occupational and ethnic categories.
The most important conclusion of "Where Women Are: The Facts About The Pay Gap Gender Equity in the Work Place" is that income is more closely associated with occupation than with gender, its authors said.
"A lot of people think it is women that need the help," co-author Cristianne Chorbett said. "The point of the report is to highlight the fact that that is not exclusively true. There is no crisis with women. If there is a crisis, it is people with low paying jobs."
Across the board, on all measures, when men get payed better so do women. “A rising tide lifts all boats. When men get payed more, we see improvements across gender and race as well in the same occupation” stated AAUW Executive Director Dinda D. Lallman, CAE.
The report is the latest and, according to the AAUW, the most comprehensive, of several issued over the past two decades by groups alleging crises
Lallman goes on to say that in fact women are being payed much more than they were 30 years ago.
As usual the AAUW is on the fore front of research into these issues.